Thursday, 11 April 2013

Experimental Textile Workshop: Elizabeth Babyn

Felted stole detail 

 This textile workshop is designed to help participants experiment and navigate through a variety of textile mediums while developing their own style and method of working. Constructive critiques and feedback will be offered throughout both weekends.
Detail : ginwashi paper, acrylic paint, tyvek

First Week : Workshop exercises and demonstrations will be offered to assist and encourage participants to create and develop new innovative approaches and techniques to both conventional and unconventional textile materials in 2-D and 3-D designs. In addition, hand stitch artist Monika Kinner-Whalen will be sharing her expertise in the morning session of May 26th,.
Second Week : Harnessing one or more of the innovative techniques that each participant has explored,  they will be encouraged to further develop the creative possibilities that this new approach presents for them in a finished piece.

Detail from felted purse flap


May  24,th 25th &26th

Fri. (6:30-9:30 pm), Sat. & Sun. (9:30 AM- 5 pm)

May 31, June 1st  & 2nd
Fri. (6:30-9:30 pm), Sat. & Sun. (9:30 AM- 5 pm)

120- 23rd Street, Saskatoon, Sk.
Unit 208  
Cell# 306-281-7995

Cost: $325 
For more information: